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We received some wonderful news earlier this year, we’ll be getting another little nephew! I am over the moon! I knew I wanted to give some personal gifts to this little bundle of joy, so what better way than to make your own burp cloths!

If you’ve been here before, you’ve probably came across my Quilting Tutorials. I love creating things from scratch for people. It’s not something you can purchase in a store, it’s made with your hands. What better way to show someone you love them?!
Okay, so first thing you’ll need to get together your materials. I used cloth diapers because they’re super absorbent. I’ve heard of others using fleece and other absorbent materials, but I stuck with cloth diapers.
- Cloth Diapers (Pack of 10)
- Fabric. I’ve linked one of my favorite fabrics here, but you can order from Joanns, Walmart, Amazon. Literally anywhere! I used fleece on a couple, but I used cotton as well!
- Thread. I used an all purpose thread, but you’ll want a color that compliments your fabrics. I used white.
- Sewing Clips. These little clips hold your fabric together while you sew the fabrics together.
- Sewing Needle.
- 1/4″ Presser Foot. I use this presser foot for just about everything! It’s a great one to have on hand if your sewing machine didn’t come with one.
- Self-Healing Cutting Mat & Rotary Cutter. This is a great set here.
- Iron. This is an important step. After you wash the cloth diapers, they’ll shrink and need to be ironed out very well.
- Sewing Machine. You’ve probably already got one of these 🙂
DIY Burp Cloths
First thing you’ll want to do is wash the cloth diapers. They shrink and this step will make it so much easier on the parent-to-be. After you wash the cloth diapers, you’ll want to iron them out very well.
Next, use your diapers as a template for the burp cloth fabric face, and cut out the same size as the diaper, with your rotary tool and self-healing mat. You’ll turn the good side of the fabric over and place it on the cloth diaper. So you’ll be seeing the backside of the fabric.

I sometimes use two clips for my starting point, and one clip every few inches to hold the fabric together, and I end in two clips again. The reason I do this is because you want about a 2-3″ gap that you do not sew so you can turn the fabric inside out (like a pillow). The double clips reminds me where to start and where to stop so I don’t go crazy with my sewing.

When you’re sewing, you’ll want to get a close to the sides as you can, while making sure you’re sewing the fabrics together, and not just putting thread through one of them. While you sew, you’ll remove the clips. Stop at the double ends so there is a 2-3″ gap where you didn’t sew the fabrics together.
Put your fingers inside the gap and pull through so they right side of the fabric will now be showing. Make sure you push your corners out because they tend to press in.
Next you’ll go around the edges, and I did down the middles as well, and you’ll sew again. this time closing your gaps and holding the fabrics together better.

And viola! The EASIEST DIY burp cloth tutorial ever! And it makes the sweetest gifts!
First of all thanks for writing about diy burp cloths.
I would love to share this article with my mates.
Best wishes to you
Hello! Thank you! Feel free to share! 🙂