Toms – Nearly Half Off?? Take My Money!

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How I Purchased Toms for Nearly HALF OFF!

How to purchase Toms nearly half off!

Ahh, it’s no secret my love obsession with Toms. I’m hooked. I actually have a “wish list” of the Toms I want to get next!! I think my husband is going to kill me if I get another pair 😀 But now I actually have a counter dispute. I can get them for nearly half off retail price! Yes, nearly HALF OFF!

When they first came out I hated Toms. I actually made the comment “Why don’t you just take an Ace bandage and wrap it around your foot? That’s what Tom’s look like! *GASP* I want to smack myself for saying that!!

A couple years after they came out I had $20 eBay bucks and there was a pair of Toms on sale. I finally considered buying these shoes I hated so much, because a co-worker at the vet told me how comfortable they were. I was on my feet between 9 and 12 hours of the day at the hospital and I needed an alternative solution for my feet. I gave in and purchased them.

Oh I loved them. They were SO comfortable!!!

That was 3 years & 7 pairs ago and I still wear them frequently.

.And what a great opportunity! For every pair of Toms that are purchased, they give a pair to a child in need. How awesome is that!

My second pair was a Christmas gift and I just LOVED them. They were still just as comfortable and amazing. I was hooked!

Then one day I had a Eureka moment! This website had Toms on sale nearly half off. I was amazed!!! I bought my son a pair for a little over $20! Loved them.

I ended up purchasing 4 pair for him, and 5 pair for me over the years. ALL at a super discounted rated.

The problem is they only go on sale 2-3 times out of the year. And they sell out QUICK.

I always buy at least one pair during the sale because it is more than worth it.

If you do participate in the sale; however, be aware. They go VERY quickly. I’m talking about the best styles and sizes go within just a couple hours.

This website not only has Toms on sale, but they also have a lot more! For Christmas I got Lego stuff on sale! They only have these sales periodically throughout the year. So go ahead and sign up so you can be notified of the sales as soon as they come out!!

So check it out if you’re interested. I love my Toms and I will continue to buy mine from them during the sales. It’s just an offer you can’t refuse!

*Picture of Toms:

: Daily Boutique Deals

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