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Dandelions are widely viewed as a nuisance weed; however, Dandelions have been consumed or centuries by many cultures. They’re even thought to be dated back to the Anglo-Saxons! How cool?
These little “weeds” are packed with nutrients like Vitamins A, C, K, E, Folate, and some vitamin B, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, and Calcium! Dandelions are also packed full of antioxidants! Because of it’s nutrients its thought to help with blood sugar control, reducing cholesterol, stomach ailments (such as constipation and digestion issues), lower blood pressure, aid in weight loss, may help fight cancer, may help boost immune system, and help with skin care. There hasn’t been enough testing to prove these theories, but bottom line – Dandelions are good for you!
Not only are Dandelions good for humans, the bees rely on them! It’s not a secret that bee numbers are widely dwindling due to human impact on the environment. Bees rely on sources like Dandelions to survive!
After making a delicious batch of Dandelion Jelly, I was very excited to try out some Dandelion lemonade!
For 1 gallon of Dandelion Lemonade, you’ll need about 4 cups of the Dandelion blossoms. Be sure they’re not treated with any pesticides or weed killer.
When you pick the flowers, you’ll want only the blossoms. When we cut the dandelions we made sure to not get the stem. I read that your lemonade could have a bitter taste. I also learned that the dandelions are full bloom in the morning time here and by noon the flowers were closed.
I took a measuring cup and filled it with 4 cups of Dandelions. To help kill off any bugs, I put the Dandelions in a bag and set them in the freezer for 20 minutes. Next you’ll want to wash those flowers VERY well n a strainer.
– 4 cups of Dandelion blossoms
– 1-1/2 to 2 cups of sugar
– 4 lemons (or 12 TBSP of lemon juice)
– Lemonade Pitcher. This one here is a really nice one.
- After straining Dandelion blossoms and rinsing very well, fill your gallon container with water, lemons (or lemon juice), and sugar.
- Place the Dandelions in the container at the top. Let sit for about 2-3 hours before serving. I allowed mine to infuse about a day or so; however, the longer the Dandelions are in the lemonade, the stronger the flavor will be.
My 10 year old LOVED the Dandelion Lemonade and said it was the best lemonade he’s ever had!! We’ll definitely be making some more soon!