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It’s been a while since I have been pregnant. About 11 years! 11 years ago pregnancy announcements weren’t a big thing, but now it is!
I had a smorgasbord of feelings when I found out I was pregnant. I actually thought I was having endometriosis symptoms because my left ovary was hurting. I searched the internet and came across a post that said the pain could be from a cyst left on your ovary after ovulation if you’re pregnant. So I took a test to rule it out, but to my surprise it came up positive.
I waited a few days to tell my husband, and in the meantime I was still taking pregnancy tests, DAILY. I could not believe it. I waited to tell him, because I wanted to be sure I was pregnant so I waited for the lines to be darker. Did you know that it’s estimated a 50-75% of women have miscarriages before they have a positive pregnancy test? And according to my LMP, I was about 3 weeks and 6 days when I had my first positive test, so it was very early.
I knew my husband would be over the moon, because he’s wanted another baby for years. Last thing I wanted to do was to tell him, get his hopes up, and then find out I had an early miscarriage. So I waited. When the line showed darker I surprised him. He was so shocked, speechless, he started crying! A HAPPY CRY!
Next on the list to tell was our 11 year old son. I wasn’t really sure how he’d react because he’s wanted a brother (notice I didn’t say sister haha) for years, but he’s also been an only child with our undivided attention for 11 years! I really wanted to make this pregnancy announcement a fun, enjoyable experience for him, so I thought of an idea that was centered around sports since he’s athletic. I took a football, put a sign on it that said “I can’t wait to play catch with you” and made him a shirt that said “BIG BRO”.
Well, at first he thought the shirt said “BIG PRO” and I wanted to play football with him. When I said “no, that’s not what it says”. Then he thought that we were talking about his cousin that’s due in December of this year. He was NOT expecting that HE was gonna be a big brother! He was definitely shocked!

Next we told the grandparents. We told them we wanted to go out to eat with them and we had an early Christmas present for them that we didn’t want to wait for Christmas for them to open. They were shocked as well! The note says “Well…. we just THOUGHT we were finished. Baby Bridges due April 2021. The baby is the size of a sweet pea this week!”.

After I had my first OB appointment with the doctor and had an ultrasound, we decided to go ahead and announce it on social media. My husband and son were already telling so many people, so I figured it was best to announce it before rumors started. I waited til after I told my boss of course though! We wanted something unusual and fun. So I saw an idea of a movie premiere announcement on Pinterest and fell in love with it! I was only 8 weeks when we announced on social media, and I know most people wait until after the threat of miscarriage has decreased; however, I know that if something tragic like that happens, my family and friends will be more than supportive. Ultimately it’s YOUR decision when you want to do your pregnancy announcement!