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First thing before you begin making strawberry jam you’ll want to have everything ready. I sterilized my jars, lids, and rings. I like to do this in the dishwasher because I know it’s sterilized, but you can also boil water and sterilize them that way for about 10-15 minutes. You’ll also want to have your water bath canner filled with water, heating, and the rack hanging on the top lip ready to put jars in.
Materials – I linked everything below, just click on the name of the item.
- Jars. I used 4oz canning jars. 4oz, and 8 oz, work the best for jelly and jams. I like to use the 4oz so I have more to give out as gifts.
- Preserving Canning Pot – The one I linked is similar to the one I used. I linked a set because you’ll need the rack and jar lifters.
- Large sauce pot or boiling pot
- 5 cups of crushed strawberries (I bought 2 of the large packages)
- 1 package of powdered Sure Jell
- 1/2 tsp butter
- 7 cups of sugar (I used 7-1/2 cups because I used 6 cups of crushed strawberries)
- After thoroughly crushing strawberries, measure out 5 cups (or use 6 cups as I did) and add to sauce pot.
- Add pectin and butter to mixture and heat on high heat, stirring constantly, until a roiling boil is reached. A rolling boil is one that doesn’t stop boiling when stirred.
- Stir in sugar and return to a full roiling boil, stirring constantly, and cook for 1 minute.
- Remove from heat and skim foam off the top.
- Fill your jars with a ladle, leave about ¼” headspace. Once filled, wipe the rims with a paper towel and screw on the lids and bands.
- place the jars in a hot water bath according to your altitude below.
- Altitude chart:
- 1,000-3,000 – 10 minutes canning time
- 3,001-6,000 – 15 minutes canning time
- 6,001-8,000 – 20 minutes canning time
- 8,001-10,000- 25 minutes canning time
- When canning is complete remove jars and place on a towel to cool. Once cooled, check for any jars that didn’t seal. Refrigeration is required if any jars didn’t seal properly.
I hope you have a good turn out and everyone loves your strawberry jam!